3 Easy Steps To Client Retention
3 Easy Steps To Client Retention

#1 Get Emmotionally Connected!
(Speaking From The Heart, and Then Listen!)
Have you ever been watching an Apple commercial, and after watching all of the wonderful things that you can do with an iPhone, somehow you just feel good inside. Then you may have realized that the entire commercial never even said a word, yet somehow you feel great and feel the need to get an iPhone.
What has Apple successfully done to you? They have spoken directly to your hearts desires. They have mastered the art of speaking to your emotions.
We as hairstylists are in an extremely emotional position with our clients. We really have the upper hand when it comes to relationships with our clients. We don’t have to work as hard as Apple and other companies to gain the trust and emotional connection with people.
Somehow spending an hour or two working on a client’s hair seems to open up their emotions and they sometimes admittedly say more to you than they would to some of their closest friends. This speaks of the high value that you are to them, and the trust they have in you.
What an opportunity we have to build relationships! I would like to suggest something to you that I have been doing that has taken my emotional connection with clients to an all time high. After every client leaves I write down one thing that we talked about that day that was what I call an E.C.(emotional connection). This can be anything from a hospitalized family member to an upcoming family camping trip. In step #3 I will tell you what I do with this E.C.
#2 Reschedule BEFORE they pay
(Once they pay, mentally they have checked out)
Timing is everything, isn't it? It's so important to lock in our clients future appointment while we still have their attention. Mentally they are still in the salon all the way up to the point that they pay you. Once they have, they are thinking about the next thing they have to get done.
Many times clients will not reschedule after they have settled up with you, because they have mentally released themselves from you. This is why it is SO important to get the timing right and do this BEFORE you let them pay you. There is some psychology going on here. It's human nature to just be on to the next thing after you leave the register of any store!
Doing this ALONE will drastically increase your client retention rate!
#3 Follow Up
(Simple as an email)
After writing down the emmotioal connection (E.C. in step #1), I send them a thank you email. In that email I include an encouragement specifically about our E.C. during their visit. This has single handedly become the most valuable 30 minutes per week I have spent. Clients are actually responding to my thank you emails now that the E.C. has been added.
The other cool thing about it is that I actually remember our E.C. the next time that client comes in. If you are like me you have many things on your mind and it’s hard to remember all of the client conversations. By taking this time each week, it seems to stamp those connections into my brain, and I better remember what's going on in my clients lives.
I hope you find this useful! Comment and let me know the response you get from your clients!
Now go get your client retention to an all time high!
-Jayson Lacy