"Give me a #1 Please"
"Give me a #1 Please"

Did you know that the keratin treatment companies knew something (and still do-until now) that you didn't know? They understood the power of "BUNDLING" hair products with their services. It's just like ordering a #1 value meal from Chick-fil-A. You just don't really think about ordering individually anymore.
If you are doing keratin treatments, then you probably assume that the only way a keratin treatment will "last", is if you use the shampoo that goes with it. Are you already sensing where I am going with this? Now, let me ask you another question: Do you believe that keratin treatments will shampoo out more rapidly if sulfate-free shampoo is not used? Well let me just say that you HAVE NOT been lied to. It is a proven fact that you MUST use the proper shampoo for the longest-lasting keratin treatments. However, the companies knew that the hairdresser must BELIEVE that the keratin would wash out quickly if the proper shampoo was not used. Therefore, the stylist would relay the message to the client and 'viola'...a BUNDLE was born!-without you even realizing it!-(maybe you did)
So why is hair color any different? Do you believe that color lasts longer when sulfate-free shampoo is used? Well I can attest to the fact that it absolutely does last longer! In my salon, we are using a shampoo line that is phenominal. We have convinced our clients(and they have experienced the results) of how much longer their hair color(and keratin treatment) will last with the use of these products. They go into the service KNOWING AHEAD OF TIME that not buying the shampoo results in us not being able to GUARANTEE our color(and keratin). Therefore we have "bundled" the shampoo products with the service.
There are many things that you can bundle in your salon. Even if it's a group of products that go well together and you offer a small discount for them to be purchased together. Here is a picture of one of our upcoming holiday bundles.
Share your ideas on what you will be bundling together to ultimately create more sales this year. This a a lot of fun and relays the message to your clients that you know all of their needs ahead of time, and have the "bundled" solution ready to go!........Share your comments!